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News for Ecuador Travelers


The president of Ecuador, Ing. Lucio Gutierrez , preceded a solemne conference in the Napo Province, due to the 443 years of foundation of this place. Gutierrez was an honor witness by formalizing the established agreements between the Tourism Ministry and the Municipality of Tena.
The Minister of Tourism, Ec. Hernán Plaza Deleg, and the Major of the Municipality of Tena, have signed three commitments. The first one is for the improving of the tourist signposting of Tena, the second one is for the implementation and development of the Information Service and Tourist Attention, iTUR, and the third one authorizes the use of the municipal building for the operation of the Minister of Tourism of Tena.


In his speech, the first agent of Ecuador, affirmed that Tena was born from a mixture of historical and legendary facts, in which the myth of el Dorado and the truth of the Cinnamon arise. For the people that have passed along by the reaches land of the world, it was a mistake to believe that only the gold gave richness, this land was conserved by the gods for the development of its inhabitants in their own land and culture, learning how to live from the earth and defending their unchanging rights.

Now is an obligation for the Ecuadorians, that live in the eastern lands, to take advantage, through the tourism, of the great richness that this prodigal land keeps.
Tena has an extraordinary biodiversity that could be sold with professional training, by taking care of it, without losing our culture and identity, said Gutiérrez.

After the signing of the treaties, the Minister Plaza has emphasized their importance, because of the potential opportunities that the Amazon Region has in the tourism development. The Ministry of Tourism is going to be managing the tourist activities in the region.


The Minister of Tourism, Hernán Plaza, announced that the Municipal Government of Tena is going to install, implement, manage and guarantee the operation of the Information Service and Tourist Attention (iTUR). It is a free national and international tourist information service that is managed in a descentralized way by an strategic society of the Minister.

This service will work into an office of twelve square meters, located in the Municipal Government of Tena, the pier of the city, and the flank of the Tena River. iTUR will develop some mechanisms for the protection and will give services of attention for the positioning of Ecuador as a privileged tourist attractive for the visitors. With this Hernán Plaza expects that there will be more incomes for improving the level of life of the Ecuadorians.


The Municipal Government of Tena will receive from the Ministry of Tourism 21 labels for the tourist signposting, these sings will be placed in strategic places that will offer a precise information to the tourists about the canton. The Ministry is in compromise for the concern of the labels.
It is precise to say that the Ministry of Tourism as the maximum authority in tourism, has the duties of planning, regularizing, promoting and providing the development of the tourist activity in Ecuador. For this reason the tourist attractives signposting is fundamental, that’s why the State Secretariat is designing a corporate manual that shows the design of the labels.


Through an agreement of interinstitutional cooperation, the Municipal Government of Tena cedes the right of using the last floor of the Youth House “Casa de la Juventud”, the one that is located in the César Augusto Rueda Street, to the operation of the Ministry of Tourism.

The ceded space, for a period of 5 years, has an extension of 60 square meters and will provide the execution of a better coordination with the other Amazon provinces and the institutional attributions and competitions of the Ministry of Tourism of the Napo Province.

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