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Versión Española de la Secci?n de Destinos


Magic by Nature or the Magic of Nature

Galapagos Islands Travel Guide Ecuadorian Coast Guide Ecuador Andes Travel Guide Amazon Rainforest Travel Guide Ecuador South Andes Travel Guide

Ecuador is located in northwestern South America, straddling the equator. Ecuador shares its northern border with Colombia and its southern and eastern borders with Peru. The Pacific Ocean lies to the west Ecuador. The presence of the Andes, maritime currents, and the Amazon Rainforest give rise to significant variations in the country’s climate. Geographically, the nation can be divided into four distinct regions: the Coast, the Highlands, the Amazon, and the Galapagos Islands. Politically, It is divided into 22 provinces. Ecuador's total area is 256,370* square kilometers and its population is over 12.5 million inhabitants.

* According to information provided by the Military Geographical Institute.

To learn more about any one of our travel destinations, click on one of the regions in our map of Ecuador shown above or, to go directly to a specific province, click on the province that interests you in our list of destination guides listed below.


Our Destination Guides:

Amazon Northern Andes Southern Andes Coast
Galapagos Islands


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of Tourism of Ecuador